Category Archives: Self Love

Changing Our Story

Changing Our Story

Changing our Story, our past memories, can change our present. What are our stories but supercharged memories, filled with milestones, emotions, and triggers. If it’s really all in our heads, possibly we can shift them to bring us more peace today. This time of the year, especially with holidays coming, can bring up so many…Continue Reading

Seek The High Ground

Seek The High Ground

Seek the High Ground to survive in life. Especially during these times of extremes. More than ever, we must listen to our inner guide, move when necessary, and protect ourselves at all costs. Our instincts and intuition are constantly sending messages, if we only listen. We must anticipate in advance our surroundings since our body…Continue Reading

Trusting Yourself Every Day

Trusting Yourself Every Day

Trusting yourself every day is the only way to thrive. Others don’t know you, your body, your feelings, as well as you do. This is especially true as we enter into extreme weather patterns, caring for the body, and being happy in all we do. I was raised to gather all the info possible before…Continue Reading

Bear of Compassion

Bear of Compassion

Bear of Compassion brings love home. Here Great Bear gathers with the Snail of ‘home’, and the Butterfly of ‘Spirit’ for a communion of the heart. We can learn so much from each of them. Great Bear knows to go within to find her strength and power for wellness, energy, or direction. Healing bear has…Continue Reading

Wisdom & Balance For Life

Wisdom & Balance For Life

Wisdom & Balance for life means listening and trusting yourself. So often our expectations are led by our inner critic. That’s the one that may want to move you forward in an unrealistic way. For me, that was pressure to get the art out to sell, compare myself to other artists, create more classes, create…Continue Reading

The Stories You Tell

The Stories You Tell

The Stories you tell, the words you use, all create your reality. Be aware of the names you call yourself. Also, consciously choose words for what you want to be, have, or know. I’ve been focusing on ‘healing’ lately. My rotator cuff has a small tear and carpal tunnel is beginning on my left dominant…Continue Reading

Staying Loyal to Your Path

Staying Loyal to Your Path

Staying Loyal to Your Path without worldly distractions is Wolf’s message to us today. I haven’t painted wolf in a long time. Wolf has always meant inner wisdom, so it’s interesting that She has entered my art again these days. Several Spirit Animals have returned to me after many years away. There are two parts…Continue Reading

How to Shine Your Light Today

How to Shine Your Light Today

How best to shine your light today? There are so many distractions that require lots of work with little return, how do you choose where to put your precious energy in this moment of time? I start by asking how does this feel? Is this old energy, with many trudging forward following in each other’s…Continue Reading

Summoning The Magic

Summoning The Magic

Summoning the Magic during this Halloween, Blue Moon, end of October time, is perfect for focusing on the astonishing soul that is You! Traditionally a time of bonfires, shifting seasons, and the thinning of the veils between dimensions, it’s a time to go deeper. First of all, what mystical creature do you relate to at…Continue Reading