Changing Our Story

Changing Our Story

changing our story shifting tides of change
Shifting Tides

Changing our Story, our past memories, can change our present. What are our stories but supercharged memories, filled with milestones, emotions, and triggers. If it’s really all in our heads, possibly we can shift them to bring us more peace today.

This time of the year, especially with holidays coming, can bring up so many moments from the past. For example, a 50 degree day in November, a certain date, the wind in my face, even the scent of something baking, can immediately take me back to some experience that sticks with me as being life-changing, or at least memorable. And it’s so strange to remember events in such detail. Ask me a question about that time and you’ll probably get an intricate answer, filled with more than you expected!

I see my stories like the shifting tides in the painting above. They wash over me in such power, that even I’m surprised at all the details that I can clearly see in my minds eye. Imagine, I remember everything, from what I was wearing, to how I felt at the time, and even the time of day. Our memories are all images, like a dream, after all. Pictures say more than words can ever tell. Everything is what you think it is.

I’ve always heard ‘tell your story so it makes you laugh’. Turn the people who used to have power over you, into little kids trying to get their way. See them dressed in outlandish outfits, trying to get attention. They only have the power we give them. Let them melt down like the wicked witch of the west who was allergic to water. Give your stories happy endings, seeing all the good that ultimately came from them. Did they make you a stronger person, did you meet someone new, or have you taken a better direction because of it? Then you’ll know that all happened as it was meant to happen.

Changing our story also works today.

Plus, each day, take a step back from the stories others tell, the opinionated news, that you have no control over. The news is an attention monger, trying to get your notice and your emotions riled, so that you come back for more.

I try to read and understand it, spending too much of my precious time getting angry, disagreeing, judging them. It changes nothing. Life still goes on in their world, where I really have no power.

But back in my world, do I want to see my life around me with unrest in my heart? Not really. Creating beauty is creating love. I choose to see my life as a wonderful discovery, a passionate experience that uplifts my feelings, my heart, and my soul. I give no one the power to change that. My power is full within my Self.

Therefore, try to see your memories as stories that you can shift around, change the outcome, and enlighten you in some way. I love the word enlighten! It can fill you with knowledge, as well as bring up your spirit like a feather in the wind. Be the feather, float in your own world of beauty, peace, and grace. Always create your story from love.

Check out some of my art videos to take you away to a new place.

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