Embracing The Dark

Embracing The Dark

Wolf Eyes, Embracing the Dark

Embracing the dark, as the winds grow sharper and the days shorter, is a time to open ourselves to nourishing our bodies and souls. Let’s switch our thinking from being cold and isolated, to consciously creating a ‘cozy cave’, a retreat away from the world, filled with all the things we love. Winter can be opening the Door to opportunity and fulfillment if we make it so!

The Scandinavians have a word for it: Hygge. We have no similar word in English, but we can think of it as being a huge, warm, cozy hug to ourselves. It’s a way to be kinder to self and therefore, to each other. What fills us is what we ripple out to all we meet.

I see this Dark Time as an opportunity to replenish my energy, plant seeds, and dream my future life into existence. My Studio is my womb of creativity. It’s filled with inspirational books, images, incense, and candles. All my supplies are out, ready to make beauty every day. Here I lose myself to curiosity, to learning something new, and making my own personal magic. I surprise myself when I let spirit take over and stop thinking. Doing, making, writing, drawing, painting are everything. A journal is there for ideas and experiments. This is my play time to color, paste, collage, and be a kid again. Plus, this is my sanctuary, a sacred space, where I listen for inspiration, direction, and flow.

Embracing the Dark calls for personal rituals.

First of all, get outside, even for a little while. Really look at the subtle colors of the sky, land, and sea during this season. Colors shift from deep blue, to purple shadows, and finally pale golden light. All keeps changing right before your eyes. Also, listen to the silence that lays over the land. It is absolute.

Meet your friends for coffee at a bench in town. If you live near a hiking trail, gather a group to meet at the trailhead, no matter what the weather! Walking together creates a magic all it’s own. The cold doesn’t seem as bad, everyone get energized from getting even some exercise, and it’s a safe way to see each other. If you are near a beach where bonfires are allowed, arrange for everyone coming to bring a log. Make a communal bonfire to share stories, burn up things from the past, and create good energy plans for the unfolding future. Be creative. You will feel refreshed and energized when making contact with the elements and with each other.

Secondly, Winter provides special opportunities. I like to intentionally celebrate the dark of winter by lighting candles wherever I am. The kitchen has a pumpkin scented one that carries me away to my Mom’s kitchen and gingerbread cookies. My studio incense is pinon and juniper, which takes me back to Santa Fe nights. Plus, our fireplace is not only a necessity to heat my studio area of the house, but is also a mindful ritual to tend, to add logs, to cuddle up near, to pause and enjoy. The flame goes deep within my psyche to a place of safety, warmth, and ancient hearths.

Thirdly, embracing the dark is a frame of mind. It’s connecting us with our shadow, our inner subconscious, where dreams and visions live. We all have a shadow side, hidden from the world. It lies deep within our heart’s desire. Wolf represents the shadow within all creatures. It’s the part that teaches, guides, and opens us to different aspects of ourselves as we grow and evolve. Shift your thinking, welcome life in all its aspects, even winter, and feel content in life in every way.

As our Shadow Self, wolf is that part of us that lies deep within out secret heart, our intuition. Call her out to reveal hidden parts of you, to bring balance and wellness on a deeper level. There are always more secrets to our inner self, waiting to be acknowledged and integrated into our personality.

In addition, She teaches you to trust your inner self, and to not fear the inner power and strength you feel when you spend time alone. Wolf makes us brave and connects us to her spiritual tribe. Get to know your deepest self within your darkest places. Learn to be the lone wolf, as content within yourself as you are with the ‘pack’. You’re never alone.

Ask yourself this question:

What’s the best thing I can do for myself in this month of December?

Then wait, and listen. The answer is the first thing that comes to your mind. This is Wolf talking, your Higher Wisdom, so pay attention! Mine is, ‘Be in Balance’. I’m writing this everywhere! Tell me yours below.

So Embrace the Dark as you care for your body and your home. Bring in colors, traditions, and community flowing into your life in every way, as you practice the big self love of Hygge. Let the wild winter winds blow as you create your own cozy safe haven and rituals to fill you with inner peace.

We each have our own personal world all around us. Honor it. Recognize it. Create it, to nourish your soul during this wintry season. Make it special both inside and out. Fill it with art, books, love, and laughter. Discover all that you love about winter, and encourage your friends to do the same. Your future awaits and is born from all that you do today. A message from Hopi Chief White Eagle.

Play with art again as you view one of my ‘how to’ art videos.

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