Finding My Compass

Finding My Compass

finding my compass full moon 2 ravens beach shore, sky atmosphere
Finding My Compass, direction, flow

Finding My Compass is flowing in harmony with the Universe. It feels just right. I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I have clarity, focus, and inner peace as I set my own pace.

First of all, a Compass shows True North. It grounds you in perfect alignment with the Earth and all of Nature. There is no overwhelm, no distraction, and no getting lost! Finding your compass is discovering your true core passions and values. What really matters to you and how can you live your life so you honor those pieces of yourself?

Finding My Compass in the painting above, I just started with gold and a circle. Always start with what what you know. The important thing is to begin somewhere with anything you want in your life.

Then, I allowed intuition to take over and carry me on a new adventure into the Unknown. I release control and use a brush in each hand, letting my body/hands choose the colors, technique, and blending.

Secondly, all experiences need time to percolate, swirl, and combine into meaning. Also, it’s best not to have any expectations about events or people. Imagine, intend to have a 5 Star experience in all you do. Let the details take care of themselves. The deeper meaning of events often takes awhile to realize.

I write notes as things come to me. Then, this becomes an art diary. I tell myself to be aware, ask questions, and seek answers for the art and meaning in life, since they often come when I least expect them. I listen for answers to understand why things happen.

Finding my Compass opens the door to magic.

Thirdly, shift your perspective to see the magic present all around you. All Magic begins with a flash of Light, an idea, or a brilliant insight. Something enters into you that never was there before.

Create a space and time for inspiration to flow. Eureka flashes may make you wonder where that came from! Plus, everything around you, everything you use/wear/love, started with someone catching the thought in the ethers, or in a nap. Stories, inventions, art are swirling around in the Universal Consciousness, just waiting for the human to tune in. Therefore, creativity needs time, expression, and exploration. Magic exists in your every day life. You just haven’t found it yet.

So as the Supermoon grows full, open to original energy, knowledge, wisdom, and direction that may change everything. See your Own Personal Compass of life and refer to it often. In addition, let it guide your dreams and your waking life for clarity and direction without doubt. Look for magic in the everyday. Let the Light reveal never before seen exquisite possibilities in your own personal world. Touch the creative spark and become the amazing, enlightened Being of your dreams.

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