Turtle Wisdom

Turtle Wisdom

Turtle Wisdom, ancient knowledge, power, slow down, longevity

Turtle Wisdom is ancient knowledge, power, protection, and resilience. Civilizations for thousands of years have honored Turtle as a Spirit Guide symbolizing the Moon, Water, Flow, time, and The Earth Herself.

She literally walked into my life. While exploring an out of the way beach along the Atlantic, i heard a rhythmic thumping sound as each claw powerfully hit the boardwalk, connecting the sea to the land. Looking up, there she was, on a mission towards the grassy plants and palms lining the boundary between wild and urban. I stopped and stepped to the side as this huge, beautiful, creature from another time, passed me. Her nesting time would be coming soon, so maybe she was checking out the territory.

First of all, Turtle is so grounded, aware, and present. She immediately grounded me in the now moment. I slowed down, and paid attention. I’m in island time now, the legendary no time, where the waves and surf go on forever, and the Sun kisses the swaying palms in the breeze. Everyone takes life as it comes and finds their place to fit in the seascape of their experiences.

Living Island Life is so important for each of these in these changing times. It’s a frame of mind, an approach to living that brings everything into balance.

For me, it means getting away from have-tos, and replacing them with want-tos. I eat lighter in island time, with more fruit and salads, and less meat, so that’s one thing I can do all year long. Exercise makes my body feel alive, vibrant, and energized. Swimming and walking would be ideal every day, but I can find a treadmill, stretchy bands, and light weights to get similar results. Doing the best you can with what you’ve got is creative living. I seek 5 Star experiences in all I choose to do.

These things trigger an ancestral memory we all possess deep within our consciousness. All events are adventures to explore and discover new talents and potentials. In addition, this make life interesting and memorable every day.

Turtle Wisdom is our Origin Story, the Creation Myth of balance.

Secondly, Turtle is our Mother Earth, as She rises from the Primordial Sea and creates the land we live on. Then, She, the great explorer of life, returns down the boardwalk to the solid land, her sanctuary, to manifest her dreams.

My safe haven where I can write and create my innermost feelings is my studio. Here I bring back ideas and insights from my explorations out there, and create the life I choose to live, filled with feelings, beauty, and personal art.

The Land of Manifesting forms our future. So today, try Creating new patterns for your life. Try new recipes to make meals extraordinary. Set the table for yourself with your best dishes, cloth napkins, table runner, best silverware, and candles. Treat yourself as an Honored Guest in your own home.

Create the life of your dreams. Surround yourself with beauty. Save nothing for a special event. Also, Now is your special day in every way. Maybe you can’t go off and swim in the blue lagoon, but you can flow in all that soothes and comforts your body. Immerse yourself in all the wonderful fabrics, scents, and sounds you love. Bring Nature into your life. Finally, create something that makes you happy. Create the beauty you want to see.

Here’s a Summer Poppies painting to brighten your day.

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

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