Full Moon of Balance

Full Moon of Balance

full moon balance
Full Moon of Balance, 3 Hummingbirds, Lilly, Night Sky

Full Moon of Balance is a time to take account of all our accomplishments so far this year. We each have planted seeds of dreams, and nurtured them throughout the summer. Now, as the hummingbirds dart around the deck, from feeder, to wind sculpture, to flowers, gathering their energies for the cross country migration ahead of them, let’s gather our reserves and see where we stand at this moment in time.

First, begin by really honoring all you’ve done. I know for me, it’s often small, incremental things that could be missed or unnoticed, but are important in the big picture of life.

What parts of life have really thrived for you and taken on a life of their own? Breathe gratitude into all that you have, and that you’ve done. Life keeps revealing itself to us as one step leads to another. Open your heart and honor all the energy, effort and time that has brought you to this day, this moment.

I’ve been working on a book, and it’s finally completed. But now, I see that the entire publishing part is another whole challenge. From costs per book, to choice of papers and covers, each element needs to be examined and choices made. Bottom line, I don’t know when this will all be pulled together. But so far so good.

Secondly, celebrate this Full Moon day. Be aware of all the beauty around you. You are the Master Creator of your Life in every way. Take time to realize that. Piece by piece you have built your Castle of Dreams, and continue to add to it. Allow a sense of fulfillment to flow into your heart.

Pause for a moment, lay your hand on your heart, and feel a head and heart connection. Sometimes it will be a flutter, or a solid pulse of life, but try to recognize your heart energy every day. Breathe into it and know that your heart will always be true to you. Ask what you should do in any situation, touch your heart, and trust the answer that flows into your consciousness.

Full Moon of Balance brings us into the Now.

Thirdly, Now is always our moment of Power. As the Earth deals with fires and floods, so do each of us have cycles of scarcity and overwhelm. What does your personal body/mind/soul weather report tell you? Are your dreams thriving or scorched?

Remember, that in the Doing of a thing, inspiration flows. Taking steps in the direction of your Dreams, will open doors. Engage your senses in every way. Feel the grass, see the sparkling dew, and hear the thunder. Nature is always calling to you with signs and directions.

Be like the hummingbirds, soaring through trees, dancing around each other, and filling their reserves for the next big thing. What do you need to bring your Self into balance today? How can you open your heart to new adventures and discoveries?

Today, let’s find new ways to grow and evolve for the rest of this year. Make a wish list. Refer to it whenever you need direction. Fill your heart, explore what you love, and keep those ideas blooming.

Here’s a fun video of India Ink Magic Botanicals for your enjoyment!

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