Inner Journey to Self

Inner Journey to Self

inner journey to self texture painting membership site
Hidden Waters, Texture Painting for Membership site, I keep learning, experimenting, and playing

Inner Journey to Self, Stillpoint Time

Inner Journey to Self is Art Time. Find your Self in the stillness after the busy celebrations of rituals, family, and friends. The world seems to pause with days getting longer as the air shifts between winter and breaths of spring. Now our focus must shift, too. It’s time to get healthy, happy, be creative, and make “You” time.

Some of us shy away from this, and look to the busyness out there. But take a Breath instead. Head for the simplicity, fun, and play of art. Make your creativity important. LEARNING TO TRUST YOURSELF is a lifelong journey. Value your art time and allow this to become a regular habit. This can be the rich incubation time of new seeds planted, journals of new ideas written, and new art revealed. Therefore, discover Art that is more You. Find ways to make expressive art based on how you’re feeling. Let your art reveal your inner world.

I snap out of boredom by exploring/playing with new art tools, taking art basics and going deeper with them, and making videos of my journey. Take color for example. I’ve seen incredible color in the art of Matisse. Museums have wonderful online showcases of great artists without traveling anywhere. I can take any one of them and create a painting in my style, attempting to match the colors he used. This is a great learning experience. Also notice it’s a hands on doing of the art! This is not a thinking project. We learn by doing.

Active Artists see the world with artists eyes. Textures are richer, colors have contrast, and beauty lies in small things. Do you create a Theme for yourself each year? For example, my overall theme is Discover. That’s a place to start, even though I feel there’s something more to be named, like Experiment.

“We do not always create works of art, but rather, experiments. It is not our intention to fill museums. We are gathering experience.” Josef Albers

In addition, Inner Journey also connects to the World cycle of nature, seasons, space and time. You can choose an Element to direct your art. Earth, Air, Fire, or Water each hold so many feelings, colors, and textures. Do you want to be grounded in Nature, immersed in the atmosphere, ignited by passion, or carried with the waves and tides? Plus, any of these can inspire your life and art. Where are you at this moment of time? Exploring your Self opens doors. Discover your path on the Inner Journey.

But as much as I’d love you to feel the excitement of creating original art, I can’t make you do anything. You must make that choice. Moving from Craft techniques to art is scary, requires Trust in your Self, and confidence in your art. Instead, I just continue to make my art, share my process, and offer to be a guide on the brilliant colorful inner journey of becoming an artist.

Techniques are the Craft, the tools to creating purposeful, intentional, stories in Art. I love to experiment, explore, and discover along the way. The Dragonfly Art Program is the place to be for the latest info about the practical, fun art processes offered in an upcoming monthly membership site. Over Time, we take techniques, the craft, and journey into making Art. Also, when you sign up, get Sunday notes full of tips, stories, links, and course updates, along with a free lesson.

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