Learning From the Masters

Learning From the Masters

learning from the masters
Flowers in the style of Monet, oil pastels

Learning from the Masters takes us deeper

Learning from the Master Artists takes us into their world. We see their inspiration and then compare that to their interpretation, style, and choices. This has been a way to learn every kind of art, from painting, theater, and dancing, to playing a musical instrument or singing. They’ve been where you are and this was their solution.

Studying the Masters takes you away from doing your same old standby that works. You try the marks of the Master, composition style, or color combinations… things you wouldn’t have done on your own. Doing it creates shifts deep inside. Your body will remember this move, this new pleasurable discovery, and do it again without thinking.

Learning from the Masters is not copying. It’s getting a feel for their art and interpreting it in your personal way. Maybe you choose a section to focus on for your art, or your favorite color combinations. We’re not here to fill museums. The Masters have already done that. We’re here to experiment and try new things.

Interpretation is a great direction to follow to find your Self. It’s like following a roadmap with an unknown destination in mind. The act of making the art puts you in the creative time and space for inspiration. You allow the Muse in, give the art time to talk to you and tell you what it needs. Imagination opens you to new possibilities and surprising revelations. The outcome is never certain. That’s the fun of it.

Exploring a masterpiece means you’re never at a loss for what to do. One painting leads to another. You may do something in one and carry it over to another. Your creativity continues to grow, develop, and expand, forging a new path to follow.

This is a major component to the Dragonfly Art Program. Each month we’ll learn about another Master, their life, their art. It all goes along with expanding your knowledge base as you create more art. The more you know, the more art you make, and the better you get. It’s simple, fun, and makes for a happy life.

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