Living The Dream

Living The Dream

living the dream palm trees, first light, river
Living The Dream, feeling deeply

Living the Dream is experiencing each day in a new way. Wherever you are, you make your home away from home. It’s being true to who you are in every way. It helps to have a partner who wants the same things you do. They can get you there quicker in every choice. Or they can hold you back from ever truly having the life of your dreams. Relationships are complicated.

But, you can have your perfect life solo, too. Really, whether you get to your beach, travel destination, or heaven on earth place, you choose what you do each day. So even if you aren’t there physically, you can get there in your thinking and make each day perfect. First of all, this all begins with freedom of choice.

I start my day with a meditation that’s all about gratitude for what I am and what I have, blessing my people, and filling my body with light. This brings balance for the day ahead. This is all before even getting out of bed.

Secondly, after a huge glass of water, I have my morning coffee with my morning writing. I become the observer of all the sites, scents, and sounds in the Nature and home around me. Writing clears the cobwebs out, remembers dream fragments, and clears my mind to have a fresh start to the day.

Next I make time for stretches and a walk. That’s most often the treadmill. If I’m lucky, I can get out to Nature and make a loop around the house, block, or wherever I am. It’s important to get the body moving. Plus, this grounds me in the present, refreshes my body, and gets me out of my head.

Then, action gets me in flow. What fills my soul? For me, this begins with my art. I’m making a change up in my colors and images. They uplift me, and put me in harmony with my life inside and out. Colors, like the painting above, begin with light, beauty, and harmony of blending, flowing, and creating. Also, Art enhances my mood, nurtures my heart, and is a record of my life.

Living the Dream takes you to unknown territory.

You become the Master Explorer of your world. Here’s where the mystery lies. Let go of old routines and habits, and you become exquisitely aware of your surroundings and actions. In addition, Life slows down as you make new choices from what to eat, to how to create, to ways to walk in beauty.

So, ask yourself how do you want to feel in this moment and what can you do to get there. Breathe in and find what you can do now to make this day memorable, beautiful, and special. Life is all about experiences and feelings. This is the way to live the life of your dreams.

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