My Gratitude Photo Album

My Gratitude Photo Album

my gratitude photo book
One of my favorite paintings, First Blue Moon, Do what you Love Prints Available

My Gratitude Photo Album begins with doing what I love. I believe if we follow our hearts, and do the thing that most fills us with life, we create happiness every day. Our hearts and souls must sing.

my gratitude photo book
My Studio, I started on the dining room table.

Secondly, I’m grateful for my sanctuary to play with what matters most to me. Imagine your kind of personal space, with all your art supplies ready, so you’re able to create whenever inspired. Start somewhere, big or small, and Make it So.

my gratitude photo book
Art Journal experiments in mixing colors & composition

Third, Gratitude calls for mindfulness of this day. Easy when you add to your Art Journal daily. Work out sketches, colors, and inspiration as it flows into your life. Allow this daily habit to begin your day of creativity. This record is a diary of each precious day in your life.

my gratitude photo book
Flow, with elements I remember from my dream

My Gratitude Photo Album must be fun and easy to do. I’ve learned that Living in Gratitude must be an easy Flow. This means allowing energy to carry us along. Therefore, when something is hard, stop and evaluate what you’re doing to yourself physically and spiritually. It’s like switching to sharper knives and a gentle touch when cutting through anything.

Sheep in our yard
Sheep on an adventure through our yard

Next, I’m grateful to Look, Pause, and Connect with Nature each day. Being Aware of the sky, feeling the breeze on my face and the ground beneath my feet, immerses me deeply in the natural world. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw white (sheep!), blackest black (bears!), and movement (herds of something: deer, turkeys, coyotes, ravens). Nature brings in a magic all its own.

firestarter painting of Cate Blanchett
Firestarter, expressive portraits, Cate. She has 9 Firebirds in her hair!

Also, I’m thankful to be able to creatively challenge myself, take artistic risks, and continue to learn and expand my abilities. Taking an expressive portraits class has pushed me to look deeper, experiment with new tools and techniques, as well as make me a better artist. I never stop growing.

The milky way

Finally, my friend said she was thankful for the discomfort in her body since it reminded her to grow. I’d say it gives us room for healing, too. The body reflects all of us, from our emotions to our experiences.

Listen to the body. It tells you what you need.

I find I make shifts as time goes by to accommodate my changes and yet still be in flow. Exercises, weights, stretches have to be done in consciousness so they benefit and not harm our shifting bodies. This is living in consciousness, while being aware of our place in a vastly huge Universe.

So what would your photo album of gratitude show? Add an image to show us what you’re thankful for in gratitude for another breath of life, for more time to experience, and a for a new day to create happiness. That’s our power every day.

Be a part of Pat Gullett Designs to create your story, your photo album, your visual diary of all that you are each day.

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

Moon Goddess
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