Seeking the Light

Seeking the Light

seeking the light
Still River, Painting with Light, Glazes like Maxfield Parrish

Seeking the light has always been a good thing. I look for first light the morning after a storm. It’s assuring to know there is a calm pause after thundering winds have roared through the night before.

A week ago we were at the right moment to view an up close fireball, blazing across the sky, heading west. Just the kind of thing to portend a new future for us all. The ancients would take this as a sure sign of changing times. Let’s imagine it all for the better.

Our Light is our gift to the world. It’s the unique essence, consciousness, and knowing that has formed from our soul and heart. Light is personal, and one of a kind. What do you think your light is?

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? Marianne Williamson

We’re not here to change the world or ourselves. Our light is our essence. It’s a part of us so ingrained as to possibly not even have a name. So who are we at our core being, without worldly labels that categorize, limit, and confine us in little boxes? Who are we if we shine our light without an agenda?

Light illuminates, like our star the Great Sol of the ancients. It can also inspire us, as the wisdom of an inner knowing.

Seeking the Light evolves life

As I brush on glazes of light transparencies in a painting, I realize something else. The Light is evolving life itself. With each art piece, I move forward, growing, learning, and expanding my own awareness.

Seeking the light is our way of becoming, an artistic way of being. Painting fills me with light as the canvas reflects my energy. Once I radiate within, that will then shift to shine on to the world.

Each painting reveals more of who I am on a deeper level. It becomes my reason for being.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Marianne Williamson

So let’s create our own festival of Light over this next month. As the Winter Solstice, the feast of the return of the Sun, draws near, bring the light inside you as much as possible. Allow it to fill you, inform you, and then radiate from you. That’s the only true purpose of life: to ignite our inner fires and share our light with each other.

Join me at Pat Gullett Designs for more art, inspiration, and sharing of ideas.

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