Power of Art Shadows

Power of Art Shadows

power of art

Power of Art Shadows Lives in this Moment of Time

Power of Art Shadows lives in the Present, and I see it clearly as I seek the Shadows of my Life. Shadows are illusive, transient images right now, in this breath. Plus, as the Sun continually moves through space, so do the shadows dance slowly all around us.

Our consciousness creates the visions before us, just as it creates our dreams. No one sees as we do, experiences life, or believes in quite the same way. In our own personal reality, shadows live as our perceptions develop. Artists see details, connections, and relationships in a non-ordinary way.

Claude Monet knew this. He painted the same haystacks, flowers, and cathedrals at different times of the day to catch the light. So he understood that shadows shift, colors mute, and skies dim from moment to moment.

Power of Art Shadows brings you back to your True Self. Now is Your Moment of Power. You will never have this light, these shadows, or this color ever again. Be aware as the movement of the Sun, Moon, and Earth affects all things, especially your vision and energy in the present.

Power of Art Shadows is also an alchemy of inspiration, feelings, and body in this moment. Endorphins are released throughout the body that relax, heal, and fill every cell. Clearly, living the Creative Life is your True Home. Your energy opens and radiates farther than you ever imagined.

And then my Dragon appeared! She is my shadow, my light, my power. As I balance her extremes and accept her as an ally, I find peace, understanding, and compassion within myself. She a reminder to accept with love all on their path, especially myself.

So discover your Power of Art Shadows. It’s the best gift you can give your Self, and your Art is the best gift you can give the World. Focus on this moment, come back to being aware of life, and balance your shadows with reality. Join a supportive art community, Dragonfly Art Studio, to be present to yourself. Tell me how you deal with your Shadow Self!

power of art
Dragon of Shadows and Reflections, Balance

2 Responses to Power of Art Shadows

    • Yes! And the funny thing is that I first saw the Head, but it wasn’t until I focused in on it with my camera that the whole body appeared! OMG! I hadn’t seen it up until then. Appeared like magic! This is a great technique to try. Shadows of your Life. You may see the magic appear too!

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