Sanctuary is Coming Home

Sanctuary is Coming Home

sanctuary coming home
Sanctuary, coming Home, Starry Skies, The Land

Sanctuary is Coming Home to all your favorite things. It’s the starry skies above, and the natural land to explore. Sanctuary is a safe haven of your own personal space, where you can truly be yourself. Here you create, write, and say all that you’re thinking, feeling, and experiencing in life. This is the place to imagine the kind of world you choose to live in, away from the noise of the world.

My sanctuary home holds all my art supplies, books, journals, and tools. Plus, inside it’s a peaceful, comfortable, colorful place of art from travels, subtle fabrics, antiques, and paintings. I immerse myself in all that I love, and get inspired to paint, draw, and create, away from the outside distractions.

Also, it’s interesting how the vast starry skies above can ground you in the present moment. I had a dream once where I woke up and couldn’t breathe. Bundling up, I went out to the deck and stargazed. The vast Milky Way, familiar constellations, Mars and Jupiter made me breathe deeply, feel my place in the evolving Universe, and shift the energies to inner peace.

Imagine, we are made of the same stuff as the stars, and our connections to the sky are ancient. Our ancestors made star maps, marked the Moon phases on stone walls, and created earthworks for the sunrise and sunsets of Solstices. As a result, Stargazing is a deeply embedded part of our primitive brain and instincts. It brings us Home.

Sanctuary is coming home to Nature.

No matter how small or large my backyard has been over the years, I always walked the land, touched the trees, and searched for found objects to add to my art. Then, I used to decorate sticks with colored threads, beads, and shells, and attach them to the art in shadowboxes. Adding Nature in some way brought my life into the art. It’s like the Tibetans who add a lock of their hair to their sculptures to give them their essence of life. Today, I especially love to breathe in the scents of the woods, fallen leaves, and fireplaces at this time of the year.

In addition, the veils are thin between the Worlds these days. Honoring the spirits of the invisible with Halloween, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day, are just a few of the ways cultures across the world have celebrated.

In Truth, we travel between the invisible and visible realms often throughout the day. Dreams, visualizations, meditations, imagination all live there. The invisible is our Source of love, beauty, creativity, and inspiration. Animals travel between the worlds easily and often. Plus, the hidden world is our Source, too.

I’ve created a wonderful home there for my night dreaming. It’s full of gorgeous swimming pools, a healing room, meditation room, billowy curtains, secret passageways, a studio, plus a dream kitchen, and sits on a vast beach. It, too, is full of my favorite things.

So, let’s consciously create our Sanctuary Home wherever we are. Make the invisible as familiar as ‘reality’, to discover new possibilities, experiences, and broaden our horizons. There’s more to life than just what we see.

Therefore, during this changing season, embrace all worlds. Make your sanctuary home beautiful, stargaze for grounding, and explore Nature in every way. Seek the Magic and it will find you.

Discover my new print site for a variety of images on paper, canvas, totes, stickers, and more.

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