Shifting Waters

Shifting Waters

Shifting Water, Fall, Change, Flow

Shifting waters is a change in the seasons. Autumn has always felt like the element of water to me. Rainstorms, overflowing rivers, and untamed tides rule the seas in the Fall. All we can do is adapt, get out of the way, and go with the flow. Also, New Moon signals a time to Renew ourselves. Let go of the old in order to move forward and dream the future.

Water always calls me back. It’s a mystery. I first learned to swim as an adult, planning a trip to Hawaii. I thought I’d enjoy it more if I knew how to navigate the waters. Plus, I’ve learned to snorkel, paddle, and feel more confident in water over the years, but it is still an effort. Yet, I love to be near it, paint it, and immerse myself in its cooling waves, as the ultimate soothing experience.

The forest is a great teacher in how to weather the storms on land. They let go of their leaves, gather their energies, and sink deep within their roots for another cycle of change. Plus, they seem to dance to the windy downpours, flexible, moving with the flow. What a great lesson to learn.

They are resilient, and connected in an underground world of tendrils, roots, and sentient knowing. Their roots are said to have a brain-like quality that feels the soil, and other species, as well as their own. They support each other in a network of strength and health, sending sugar molecules to sick trees for energy and sustenance. Like trees, we need others to help survive the wild, untamed waters.

Shifting waters call for connections to each other.

I remember reading a mystery where the good guy agreed to meet a murderer on a huge isolated beach. The hero was smart. He knew the tide tables of the place. Plus, he had a buddy with a boat.

The meeting was arranged at a certain time. As the cars got stuck in the deep sand, far from any rock shelters, they stood on the beach and explained their positions, with the killer never realizing the powerful, majestic tide was moving in. It engulfed them both, but good guy was saved by the boat. Scary reading that left one very respectful of rising waters, and the reminder to have a friend watch your back!

So as we enter yet another shifting, changing season that can be overwhelming at times, let’s keep in mind the waters of emotions can cleanse and heal if we just go with the flow. It’s time to renew ourselves with fresh outlooks, uplifting beauty, and good friends. Then, see the future as full of new adventures to discover. Life is always a choice as to where to focus our energy and attention. Make it fun and play again.

Seek the Magic of each changing day. Instead of the Sea Monster or Mermaid waiting to ‘get’ us, row your boat gently down the stream. Be as Edgar Allan Poe once said, All that we see or seem is just a Dream within a Dream. Dream Big!

Be sure to let me know what you think of my new print site!

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