Simplifying Art and Life

Simplifying Art and Life

Simplify art and life
Light in the Forest, Prints

Simplifying Art and Life: 3 Step Solution

Simplifying Art and Life has been a challenge lately. Overwhelm seems to be the way of living online, in life, and with people. So stepping away from the hypnotic black rabbit hole gets trickier every day. Also, too many shiny choices, multiple directions, and how-to’s confuse us more than help.

For example, I started this day so passionately. I knew I my reason for creating the online class and art club was to connect again. I want interaction with creatives, to share ideas and learn from each other. Art is learning. Furthermore, I hoped everyone would see doing art as fun, necessary, and valued.

We Artists have been isolated forever. But to overcome overwhelm takes a group of like minded creatives. Plus, a focused commitment to band together, to support instead of compete, and to engage with each other is necessary. It’s time to come out of the dark, and Share your voice.


Simplifying Art and Life begins with priorities. Art turns out stronger and life easier when you define what you want. First of all, make a list of all your possibilities. Get ideas out of your head & down on paper.

I was holding a wonderful gathering monthly, creating art with intentions at New Moon time. But it took time! Energy is finite. I had to shift focus, and sadly, let it go to move forward.

Secondly, pick ONE. What excites you the most? Which one engages your passion? Ask your Heart, your intuition, which ‘feels’ thrilling? Instead of seeking new ideas that start from scratch, pick one you know & love. Simplify.

Thirdly, take action on your choice. Pursue it deeper, thoroughly, and over time. Art created from this mindful, focused approach feels true, heartfelt, and authentic. Keep your list of other options for another time when your passion shifts again. This act gives clarity, confidence, and purpose, in Art and Life.

I love the Moon, Atmosphere, and Ravens. As a result, I never tire of creating paintings with these subjects. They are my inspiration and passion. The above painting was made a few years ago, but always needed something. Ravens, of course! Now I love it!

Transform and simplify your life. What direction will you choose for your Art? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Also consider joining Dragonfly Art Studio to find out more about the upcoming  Foundation of Art 30 Day Course. It breaks art into small, easy, bite size pieces, that are fun to learn. Create time and space for creativity. You are your Truest Self when creating.

Enjoy this day.

simplifying art and life
View From the Ridge: Raven Dance, Prints

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