

time-timelessness mysterium painting of nude
Art is Sensual, Love, Beauty, Flow, Surprising, a Process

Time-Timelessness-The Mysterium: Entering the Unknown

Time-Timelessness, is said to be the focus of the new decade. We all thrive on experiences. But which ones are the right ones for us in this limited energy world? Where do you choose to spend your time?

First of all, scrolling through social media leaves nothing to show for it. I feel like an eyes-glazed-over robot. Doesn’t leave me happy. Plus I feel angry I’ve wasted my time. Neither does trying to keep up with messages & emails while my mind is on other things. Another draining, depressing experience. Too many emotional distractions, each with their own agenda, fill the chaotic world ‘out there’.

My answer is to go within. Where’s ‘My’ Time? How do I enter the timeless, eternal, touch my spirit, fulfillment place? For me, doing Art, involving all my senses, sparks the flame of passion. But, it’s not the repetitive act of doing the same thing, the thing that always feels safe, that I know works, and that people like.

First of all, I don’t want to waste my time doing the same old thing. Transformation happens at a deeper place. I want my art to be alive, to astonish and surprise me.

Time-Timelessness, this in-between place, I think of as the Mysterium. It’s the place of ‘not knowing’, of giving something new a try, of ‘no time’, where I touch the deepest cave of possibilities. I entered this sacred land of the extraordinary with the above painting. Bringing my skills, listening to the guidance of a mentor, I attempted a sensuous painting unlike any I’ve ever done. I surprised myself!

Timelessness is amazing. It’s the home of Flow, a place of wordless mystery. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, in his book Flow, says, “Every action, movement and thought follow inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz.” Flow happens when you stop thinking of doing something, and just go Do it! Plus, with every hands on creative act, you learn something new about your self.

Flow doesn’t happen in down times or while being entertained. Instead, FLow engages us, immerses us in the feeling of creating, and completely involves us in the process. The body is filled, exhilarated, and free. Above all, we allow Magic to appear.

This is the goal of the Dragonfly Art Program. So, we practice some skills, are shown a new direction, and then experience our personal Magic. How do you choose to spend your Time this precious day of your life? Let me know below.

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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