Intention Gives Meaning

Intention Gives Meaning

Navigator Moon, One who charts a path with intention, focus, meaning

Intention gives meaning to all you do. Consciously making intentional positive choices gives value, direction, and meaning to life and art. You become the Navigator of your life, the Maker of your Map, the Guide for your Manual. Navigator Moon symbolizes all of that since you are the Captain of your journey. Your experience is personal and unique, unlike anyone else. So don’t follow in anyone’s footsteps.

For example, I recently read about someone suggesting that for today, let’s all make worthless art. What? Art, creativity is never worthless! Every time anyone creates something new, they are always learning new things about themselves as they try, make, and perfect a technique. No one knows if it will end up a masterpiece, but it is never worthless. Original creation is art never seen before. It’s not a copy, but something authentic and true to the creator. That’s loaded with value right there!

Now, there must be some reverse thinking here that setting out to make a masterpiece every time you create, forms an artist’s block, or gives blank canvas syndrome. Nothing could be further from the truth if you set your intention properly. Instead of setting yourself up to make trash, let’s intend to play, experiment, and discover something new today. But keep it Positive! Go for the good. The Universe hears you very literally.

Like a chemist, try combining mixed media of paint over oil pastels. For Life, try something new, go somewhere unknown, and experience with all your senses. In short, let’s play in Life as well as in the studio and learn as we discover something new about ourselves.

So what gives ‘value’ to a piece of art? Money paid for it? That it is accepted into a gallery? That it gets ‘sold’? Don’t look for value or meaning outside yourself. If you wait for ‘them’ to like it, buy it, or judge it ‘good’ enough’ to admit it to a show, you’re giving your power away. Instead, give yourself meaning with intentional choices. Plus, this makes life memorable, stretches out time, and is healthy for your body and soul.

Create for the sake of feeding your soul. Don’t hold onto paint, brushes, or pastels until the right outlet appears to be accepted by others. Paint to broaden your heart and happiness. Create for yourself and do it OFTEN. The more you create, the deeper your knowing and intuition will become. Making the art now, will open the doors later. Art made from the heart, holds more power than art made to sell.

Intention gives meaning and clarity to all aspects of life.

Follow your feelings and only do the things that bring ease, peace, and joy into your life. Find Your Dream. Set an intention to be there in it. As these emotions flow from you into the Universe, you attract more of the same. That goes for angry feelings, too. Never, ever put yourself or your art down. Also, never compare to others either. Find your personal path unlike anyone else.

The above painting, Navigator Moon, is some beautiful place in Florida. I want to be there. It’s part of my heart’s desire to find a warm place to go in the winter. I intend to find this place and by painting it, I’m creating a powerful visualization that I know will get me there one day. Where you place your attention today, creates your future tomorrow.

Starting with the intention you desire, creates surprising, amazing aspects in art and life. You have to try it to believe it! It’s part of the mystery of life. Find images of what you want, and surround yourself with reminders of them every day. Say out loud all that you desire. It’s time to Dream Big, and make it so with your intentions and actions.

So create the life you want to live. Fill it with beauty, follow your dreams, and imagine wonderful experiences. If you can Dream it, you can have it. Maybe not exactly the ‘thing’ you think you want, but you will have the happy feeling of something that may be even better! Your Soul will thank you.

Here’s how I made another navigating the seas painting, the Coast of Maine.

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