Words Have Power

Words Have Power

words have power The beauty way of water, beach, light, crescent moon, horizon
The Beauty Way, I Walk the Beauty Way of Life

Words have Power! Especially the word Beauty. Plus, the words we use, the ones we obsess over in our lives, the ones filled with our energy and emotions, are supercharged. They change our feelings, decisions, and attitudes so deeply, that they affect our cells and brain. Like magnates, they attract more of the same.

Imagine, it is the ancient Native American story of the 2 wolves. We each have 2 wolves living inside of us. I would call my first one Beauty, which is another form of love and compassion. The second, I don’t even want to mention or give it any energy. The story goes on to ask which one are you feeding today? What would your wolves be named?

‘Beauty’ is a concept found in every language across the world. Humans are thought to be the only ones who have distinguished this trait, this feeling, and who can ‘choose’ to create it, live it, love it, and Be it. I remember ‘The Beauty Way’ as a song poem of the Navajo, the Dine People. If I’m going to obsess over anything, let it be Beauty.

Words have power when you make them a part of your life.

First of all, you have to find a way to easily let the words flow from you. Put them in your style of speaking. Plus, the Universe energizes ‘positive’ thoughts when you make them exactly what you want to be, feel, become.

I’ve created my own way of Being Beauty.

‘I Am with Beauty, I Am in Beauty, I Walk the Beauty Way’.

These are my thoughts when I first wake up. Whenever anything distracting comes my way, I return to my Beauty Way. Moreover, repetition becomes like a mantra that immediately soothes my emotions, fills me with connection, and calms my soul.

Thirdly, you must remember them. Some write them on post it notes and stick them on mirrors or the refrig. Furthermore, another has a word tattooed on the wrist, although that’s no guarantee she will remember and say it! One wears a bracelet with symbols for her words. Others wear prayer beads to touch and whisper the desire throughout the day. But most of all, the key is to say them daily, and often. What trigger would you create?

This is the point of Power Words: they fill us at the deepest level. Therefore, they feed the soul. And they change the way you approach life and your brain. You become what you think.

“Be the Peace you wish to See in the World!” Martin Luther King Jr.

So what words describe what you long to be? Can you create your own mantra of change? How would you best remember these phrases to make them a part of your life? All good questions. Let me know what you are thinking…and becoming today!

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