Being Clever As Raven

Being Clever As Raven

being as clever as raven
Raven Of Light, fly free, join fellow travelers, be Master of Your Domain

Being as Clever as Raven would take some doing. We’d have to see the world every day with Fresh Eyes, be willing to fly free across the land, and cooperate with our fellow travelers on the Journey of Life. Furthermore, brilliant ravens and crows creatively solve problems, cleverly make tools of whatever is at hand.

Ravens are smart. They can imitate sounds they hear, barking dogs, other birds, and even explosions at building sites. Some in Germany were seen putting walnuts on the road so that cars would crack the shells for them. One named Jakob, at a University Lab in Chicago, spontaneously took a cup, walked across the room to a bowl of water, dipped, and proceeded to add it to his dry food. He thought of this all by himself.

Bird brains have lately been found to be very similar to ours. They have a neocortex that looks different than ours, but gives them complex cognition and creativity. New studies even find consciousness. Mirror studies prove they have self awareness, which is considered in only the highest evolved creatures.

To see the world with Fresh Eyes, we’d have to get rid of all the emotions of the day before or from night dreams. That’s why I write first thing in the morning. I get it all out. Writing diffuses me, gets me on track to having a New Day, and new experiences. In addition, I can make this day as fresh and sparkling as the shiny ribbon our raven finds and takes back to the nest.

Just as they fill their nest with bright beads, found gold fabric, string and pearls, we should fill our heads and homes with what we desire, want, and makes us happy. Our surroundings must be as brilliant as theirs.

I get out of the house more as the weather improves. Bringing nature home inspires me as I discover new items to love. I gather rocks, shells, sticks, found objects, and arrange them. Often they are just beauties and inspiration for my studio. A connection to Earth.

Being as clever as raven means providing a play date for my inner creator.

Like raven using a stick as a tool, you can paint with sticks, leaves, or fingers to see what happens. Collage with objects and colors in your life, to create personal art ‘about You’. Coffee, tea bags, receipts, lists, ribbons, and magazine images that seduce and entice you, can be your new art supplies to arrange and glue in place. Each puts you in a whole different world.

Be like Raven every day. They fly free across the land, having new experiences, new discoveries, and new adventures, from dawn to dusk. Can we break away from our everyday habits, play and explore more every week? For example, let’s find new shops, parks, rivers, galleries, or even a new town to explore, since they all open us to fresh experiences. Mark a play day on your calendar once a week. Do what you love and have fun! Our Creator Self, our soul, seeks inspiration, surprising reveals, and amazing discoveries.

Lastly, ravens cooperate with their fellow travelers, like-minded creatures, to socialize, find food, and connect. They are guardians of the neighborhood, sending out warnings when hawk, fox, or bobcat is around. Families work together to teach their young flying, hunting, calling, or protection. Also, they are jokers, playing tricks on other animals to steal their food, confound them, or just tease them into sharing some of the bounty. Most of all, they adapt. Ravens change their behavior as situations change. They are aware, flexible, and in this way, thrive. Wild ravens have been known to live 40 years.

So let’s make Raven our Spirit Guide this spring. Look with Fresh Curious Eyes at life around you every day. Plus, give yourself Freedom to roam and explore to ignite new passion within you. Do something NEW and different today. And finally, cooperate, be flexible, and adapt with your fellow travelers along the trail. You may all need the support of each other someday.

Tell me what you think below. In the meantime, play more and enjoy art that I created from my nature walk.

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