Category Archives: Art of Health

Living a Healthful Life is an Art Form. Here’s some food, exercise, and other thoughts.

Magical Forests Hold a Power

Magical Forests Hold a Power

Magical Forests Hold a Power with 3 Basic Qualities: dreamlike beauty, recalled memories, and deep feelings in all the senses. Autumn Gold holds many of these traits. I looked at a photo from a recent drive and walk down a woodland road near my home. Something about the trees, appearing so black, yet the leaves…Continue Reading

Navigating the Misty Future

Navigating the Misty Future

Navigating a Misty Future doesn’t have to be scary. We all like to think that we live in the Light. Seeing clearly is important to being in control, knowing what’s coming, and thriving as we follow our destiny. But in truth, the future is totally unknown and terribly hard to plan our next step. Especially…Continue Reading

A Shift in the Air

A Shift in the Air

A Shift in the Air came overnight. As the days get shorter, the owls come out sooner. Other creatures, like deer, ravens, and hawks float silently through the changing forest like ghosts, reappearing and just as quickly, disappearing! No wonder this feels like such a magical time. Plus, the sky turns pink for awhile, then…Continue Reading

The Power of the Equinox

The Power of the Equinox

The Power of the Equinox brings extremes of tides, emotions, light and dark. As the Sun balances even with the equator, it creates a pause in time. The Universe seems to hold its breath. Often there is a stillness in the air that one can feel in their body. The seashore is especially alive. The…Continue Reading

Seek The High Ground

Seek The High Ground

Seek the High Ground to survive in life. Especially during these times of extremes. More than ever, we must listen to our inner guide, move when necessary, and protect ourselves at all costs. Our instincts and intuition are constantly sending messages, if we only listen. We must anticipate in advance our surroundings since our body…Continue Reading

Awaken Your Spirit Animal Connections

Awaken Your Spirit Animal Connections

Awaken your Spirit Animal connections to balance and nurture yourself. Spirit animals come to us unexpectedly in emails, snail mail, notifications, the news, and on calendars, as well as in person. I was seeing pandas everywhere! Plus, I was physically surrounded by butterflies! But of all the messengers, the Monarch was the biggest, brightest surprise.…Continue Reading

Trusting Yourself Every Day

Trusting Yourself Every Day

Trusting yourself every day is the only way to thrive. Others don’t know you, your body, your feelings, as well as you do. This is especially true as we enter into extreme weather patterns, caring for the body, and being happy in all we do. I was raised to gather all the info possible before…Continue Reading

Bear of Compassion

Bear of Compassion

Bear of Compassion brings love home. Here Great Bear gathers with the Snail of ‘home’, and the Butterfly of ‘Spirit’ for a communion of the heart. We can learn so much from each of them. Great Bear knows to go within to find her strength and power for wellness, energy, or direction. Healing bear has…Continue Reading