Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry

Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry

Embedded Sacred Geometry in some of my Archive Paintings

Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry. Show the Mark of the Maker.

Drawing Organic, Fun, Sacred Geometry, as I call it, was no where to be found. Where’s the intuitive, freestyle, hand of the maker, fun approach to Sacred Geometry? Search online and there are tons of videos showing a very ordered, measured approach to shapes, connections, degrees, and tools. I tried it and it wasn’t very fun…..for me!

Let’s be clear, first of all, there’s the Secular Math taught in schools for survival. Balancing checkbooks, weighing packages, measuring the body to buy right size clothes, understanding adding and subtracting money/cents to get the correct change. Rules all over the place. Secondly, there’s Symbolic Geometry, which is all over YouTube. There we learn patterns, shapes, and numbers as a language made with protractors, compasses, and rulers. We learn the process to make a perfect Circle, Triangle, and Square. As a result, we learn how to perfectly divide them in half, quarters, and eighths! Perfection at its finest. Finally, we discover Sacred Geometry, if we’re lucky. It’s a term not used in Math as much as it was in the 1800’s. Possibly the word ‘sacred’ became entangled with religion, and we must keep religion out of Math, so the thinking goes. I call it Geometry with Conscience: Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry.

Sacred Geometry was ‘discovered’ by man. In the beginning, Plato is credited with this mind blowing revelation that all of Nature grows in a geometric order and plan. It’s as though Nature, the Universe, consciously ‘created’ at its deepest organic level, the most intricate, growth ever seen. It lives, thrives, within fruit, trees, leaves, shells, our bodies and organs. The heart is a torus, a very advanced form of Organic Sacred Geometry. So the implications are profound. Therefore, I had to ‘recreate’ Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry on my own, just as Mother Earth did at her artistic best.

I began by drawing the Flower of Life. So beautiful and an interesting technique to do and know. Always begin with actual Sacred Geometry images. The Circle first, or proceed to overlapping circles creating the Vesica Pisces birth source, or even the three separate touching circles whose connected centers form the triangle. This is fun magic. I wanted the Circle within the Square, symbolic of the Spirit within the Body, to be in the center. In Organic Drawing, anything goes. Templates, stencils, punches, leaves, shells, your hand, all line up for beautiful symmetry. But then, there had to be Spirals, flowing from the center of life! Dragon flies were in the garden and in my art. Freehand from the center, I just drew my own huge spiral, and radiating lines. Colors called to me, dusty lavender, indigo, and true blue. Yet some of the basic pencil had to be left as the structure beneath, the foundation of source. This felt right. This grew from basic shapes to a life of its own.

In conclusion, what would make Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry meaningful to you? What would take you beyond the symbolic and into the consciousness within your soul? Your intuition is your Soul speaking to you. Go there and listen to the guidance that is always there. You’ll be amazed at the treasures just waiting to be discovered. Look for Sacred Geometry in your world.

Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry design flower of life
Organic Sacred Geometry

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