Energy is Finite

Energy is Finite

Energy is finite
Earth Mandala, focus, mindful, stillpoint through Change

Energy is Finite: Cycles of Change Renew, Refill, and Recharge Us

Energy is Finite when old skins need to be shed. Plus, like a snake sliding through the rocks, we must continually move forward. It might start with a strong emotional feeling that our work is no longer a priority in peoples lives. I’ve been hearing that a lot lately. But this is just the trigger. So it’s a wake up call to get moving with intention.

First of all, honor the grieving process for what is left behind. Embrace those feelings. I gave my all to the New Moon Workshops each month. I loved them. They were rich with goddess myths, rituals, intentions, and of course, making Art.

But energy is finite, and sometimes choices have to be made. We were never a large group. Never the less, necessity seems to be drawing each of us to new directions. We must explore new opportunities if we want to grow and thrive. Major shifts have to occur. So I’m closing the Workshop doors at this time.

For now, energy must be focused to thrive. I’ll be heading to Toronto this week to learn the tech involved with online classes. Also, I’ll pursue ideas to create a fun, engaging, online Art experience with my New Course, the Heart of Art.

This course lays the groundwork for a strong Art foundation to take our personal art to a new level. The Language of Art and Artist’s Success Path will be our map. Each will seek their own style while playing with many forms of media. I’m excited and can’t wait to see my students successful and loving their art again.

So for now, I’ll honor that energy is finite. Plus, I’ll consciously seek new directions with intention. This is the path to lighten up and shed what no longer serves our new adventure. Fresh starts let us see the world with new eyes as we explore and discover our next great adventure. Sign up here for free stuff like a great 2019 Art Success Path Tracker, plus be the first to know the latest info about my new course in Dragonfly Art Studio.

energy is finite
Earth Mandalas of block printing ink, Shields of Power, Stillpoint of Bindi

2 Responses to Energy is Finite

  1. I love this thought about recognizing the cycle (and apparent ending) of things. I say ‘apparent’ because on another level, energy doesn’t stop and start but continues to evolve, perhaps unseen. Later when looking back, the thread will be visible and you will be able to follow it as it ever weaves itself into the tapestry called life.

    • Yes,exactly ! You’re not alone in feeling this at this time. Life is changing and we’re better off embracing that fact & moving forward. ❤️

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