Finding Self Compassion

Finding Self Compassion

finding self compassion
Spring Rebirth, Earth and Artists Coming Back Alive

Finding Self Compassion on the Artist’s Journey

Finding Self compassion on the artists journey is the only way to keep creating, exploring, and discovering ourselves. We are a work in progress, and so is our art. Moving forward in art, poetry, dance, music, or writing, we must hold the same love, patience, and acceptance of our work as we do for others.

Why is that so hard? For many years, I had supreme patience and encouragement for my students. I still do. But when it came to doing my own art, I rushed through it, didn’t have time for it, and blamed the demands of life to avoid doing it.

The truth is we hold ourselves back. There are deep core issues at play here. But that’s a good thing. We just have to look deeper and see if changes can be made to our way of thinking.

Schools, parents, teachers, and ‘experts’ have ingrained in us our belief system about doing art and being an artist. They implanted in us beliefs about who and what an artist ‘should’ be, as well as what makes art ‘good’. This gives a false foundation instilled with fear of even attempting our own art.

Instead of a work in progress, we think it must fit some standard of greatness that just doesn’t exist. We judge ourselves as not being as good as others, of needing more discipline every day, or of not having the determination to just do it. Can we turn those negative thoughts around just for a moment?

Finding Self compassion on the artists journey allows us to see the truth of art and life. Artists see a creative process happening, not an end result. With each piece we either win or learn. Some we’ll love, some we won’t.

You are an artist if you’re making art. Simple truth. You don’t need a gallery, showing, award, or recognition to give you validation. Out there doesn’t matter as much as just making art, feeling intuitively, and discovering amazing results.

All artists begin with baby steps. Great master paintings reveal with x-rays all the drawings and paintings underneath. Every piece was not, nor ever will be, a masterpiece.

Artists grow and improve with patience over time. That’s why we create a bit each week. Your body learns and remembers as you practice. Art time should be open, spacious and without pressure. Create just for the fun of it.

Time away from making art is a good thing. The mind and body learn best with breaks in between sessions. Art is assimilated in this way and you return refreshed with New Eyes.

Art is always imperfect. That’s the great thing about it. Remember, a great, moving work of art can be made quickly, and just as quickly destroyed. Work only when you feel confident, and step away when the feeling subsides. You get to know yourself very well when you create in mindfulness.

So maybe the time has come to shift away from self doubt, and into self compassion. Join me on the artists path at Dragonfly Art Program. Let’s learn from each other, trust your Self, and live your Truth. The more you know, the better your art becomes.

You are a Magic part of creation, and as an artist, you are needed more than ever. Artists keep the world in balance. These are things we work through in Dragonfly Art Program. Join us with mini lessons each Monday, and Live sessions often as we cover a Theme each month. Sign up for Sunday Art Tips, free lessons, and the latest updates about the program.

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