Gathering of Creatures.

Gathering of Creatures.

7deer3-5deerInteractingTEXTThe Forest is Coming Alive, Finally!

Before we could sit down to enjoy our morning coffee, we saw movement in the forest below. We’re able to sneak down to my downstairs jewelry studio to have a great view of forest activity. There they were, 7 deer in all! I could only capture 5 at one time with all the greeting, leaping, and interacting going on! There was one young buck for sure, with just the beginnings of antlers starting to show. All beautiful, various shades of brown and gray, they didn’t run when we poured out more cracked corn. They are young, clever, and full of energy. What a great gift to start the day.

Then as we finally made out way to the living room for that coffee, a huge red-tail hawk lands in the tree right outside the window. Gorgeous, large, imposing as he surveys the land. Before I could grab the ipad, a ‘constable’ of ravens swooped down and the chase was on. The police of the forest, they escorted this hawk through the woods and onto newer pastures. My friend always says ‘a Hawk day is a good day’! It sure made our Day!

Then the sun came out after many days of rain, fog, and grayness, to usher in the flock of turkeys. They are into chasing, mating, strutting, and barking loudly! They walk rings around the house, preening, putting down, acting up, and knocking on the glass door if they see their reflection. If I slam the car door in the garage, big guy gaggles to let me know he’s there. Open the deck door to put out some birdseed, he’s again announcing his presence. They are all working to rule the roost, and are so colorful along the way. With at least 6 big guys vying for the many females, they work hard at looking their best. White heads, red chests, feathers in bloom, they are certainly doing their part to keep the line strong.

And last but not least, a new young Dove is in the wreath outside our front door, nesting! She keeps trying to chase any human away with her sounds as she flies right at you. Hopefully she will become like her mother before her, and pretend she’s an ornament. Past Mom was strong. She could sit, not budging, while people would come and go. Worked for all of us. All in all, looking more like Spring as arrived every day. Yay!!!!

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Dove Babies in the Past
Dove Babies in the Past

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