Life Passage Ways

Life Passage Ways

Life Passage Ways
Rome Passageway

Life Passage Ways Are Magic

Life Passage Ways are fascinating places to discover, create, and explore. They can feel small and close, while providing room for one person to maneuver through. Others feel like the Crystal Caves of Mexico, vast openings flowing deep within the mountains of emotions. I think they hit deeply since they are such metaphors for life. Furthermore, they are often the Secret Way from here to there. Magical Doorways, Secret Walls, Natural Portals, and Hidden Gates, take us on a journey to the Unknown.

Life Passage Ways for me, always call for the question, “Where am I now at this moment in time?” First of all, I think of my daily life. I write what I do, and what I wish I could be doing. Furthermore, am I filling my life with busywork ‘have to’s’ or am I doing what I love? Also I consider how I’m feeling and how I can improve my health and well-being. Another thought is what would the Magician in me change right now to fill my life with more passion, love, or fun? What can I do to make today more Memorable? Finally, I list some stepping stones on the path that I can begin today to shift things for the coming weeks or month. The answers are pretty interesting.

Your Magical Portal

What would your personal passage way look like? Magicians build trapdoors, while Egyptians built false walls. I once entered a fun house though a fireplace where a brick opened a secret door to a fun house of mirrors, slides, and tunnels. Also would you view your passage way as an escape route, hiding place, or door to freedom? As a result, your bridge to the other side may allow you to bring your gifts to the world. Isn’t that why we’re here? Sometimes we must go through the looking glass to see the world with fresh eyes.

So consider Life Passage Ways you have known. Much as going away to school, moving to a new neighborhood, or starting a new job surely created shifts in life, so do your daily choices. Each morning is a new start, and it certainly can be different than yesterday! Throw out old habits, denials of your power to make changes, and any excuses from making this day fantastic. Make it so, Number 1. Make it So!

Be part of the Artistic Mystic Tribe. Do Art every month as you find your personal voice at Journey to the Dreamtime Mystery School of Art.

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