Winter Solstice Light

Winter Solstice Light

winter Solstice Light ravens moon, woods, big sky
Winter Solstice Light, our land, trees, & sky, & ravens

Winter Solstice Light ushers in the quiet, contemplative, feast of Light celebration. Specifically, it’s the return of the Sun back to the North, from it’s farthest journey South. Here we enter the mysterious Dreamtime, the darkest, longest night of the year, to plant new seeds of ideas and dreams for our future Selves. As we step away from the noise of the world, we consciously enter the dark cave of the soul, to gather our energies, reflect on the past year, and set intentions to create our best life in the coming year.

Then I read this: Accept what is. Let go of what was. And have Faith in what will be. I know this is the best way to live, yet it can be so hard to do.

We all yearn for what was: the time before the pain, the pandemic, and the loss of loved ones. Life seemed so much simpler back then. Possibly it was a simpler time, but that that doesn’t mean it was easy. Experiences were different, but as everything does, they keep evolving, shifting, and changing as sure as the Earth revolves around the Sun.

So to me, to accept ‘what is’ means adapting the body to the present moment, and accepting all I’m able to do, feel, and think. I choose creating art as my way to be in beauty. Photos of our forest and sky direct my focus. I set intentions that all I do today, is for my highest idealized form. I choose to live in mindfulness this day, so that all I do is good for my body, heart, and soul.

Let go of what was. Even a tree needs pruning to be strong and healthy. So much of the past was done for family expectations, others view of what ‘should’ be done. Step away and decide what You need to be happy each day. Lovingly let go of others so they can find their happy path in life. Expect nothing and you’ll never be disappointed. This lightens your load, too.

Winter Solstice Light begins with rituals.

Rituals and personal ceremonies, set the tone of my sacred space. I light a candle for this feast of light. Pinon incense triggers all the senses that this is truly a special time. I wear my favorite snake earrings and hand of Buddha neckpiece to remind me that this is a time to shed the old skin, and step forward into a new way of Being. As I change my attitudes, relationships shift and change, too. I write down what I want in the coming year, and burn the paper in the flame so it goes out to the powers that Be.

The Universe creates magic, synchronicity, and surprises as you enter into harmony with it. Be in Flow, feel good about all your choices, and love everyone in your life. They are there to either love you back, teach something you’ve forgotten, or challenge your way of thinking. Accept the lesson and put them into the compost of your life. Then move along the path easily and effortlessly. This allows you to Have Faith in What Will Be.

We are all sending out waves of energy with every thought, intention, and choice. This is really a miraculous time. Magic is just what we don’t understand yet. Healings happen overnight. Possibilities appear when we let go of control.

So celebrate this Feast of Light. Make it special in every way. Change how things are done at this end of the year. And balance the world out there, with quiet time within.

See how I did Full Moon of the Long Nights, a how to video for your enjoyment.

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