Magic of Making Art Makes Us Human

Magic of Making Art Makes Us Human

Magic of Making Art mystical raven full moon clock astrology features intertwined
Raven Emergence, new painting, mystical raven finding herself

 Magic of Making Art Makes Us Human- It’s Ancient, It’s Our Birthright

The Magic of Making Art Makes Us Human and has been strong in me since I first held crayon to paper. The Magic of Making Art, the applying of brilliant color, the turning a blank sheet into a rainbow of marks, the creating of a bird in flight, shifted my life to a deeper reality. I came away from thinking, and went deeper into self-knowing. My visual and tactile senses awakened to a Magical Reality that was personal, beautiful, and intuitive.

I’ve read that the greatest innovation in human history was when First Artists knew the Magic of Making Art. The first proof, first designation of a ‘human’, setting him apart from the animals, is his creating symbolic art of himself, his life, his experiences. First of all, ancients possibly made human looking sculptures as far back as 300,00 yrs ago. Also, archaeologists agree that by 100,000 yrs ago, in hidden caves of South Africa, ancient man created beads from shells. In addition, ancients used the soft reddish rocks of ochre to engrave  marks, as well as use it to color their bodies and hair as tribes do today. One treasured stone, about 75,000 yrs old, was intentionally engraved with patterns, shapes, and lines. Here was a First Man making his mark, his self expression for the sake of pure creation. Artists even made personal ochre paintbox kits with color and tools back then!

Furthermore, art spread throughout the ancient civilizations with the tribes. From 40,000 to 35,000 yrs ago, people created sculptures of horses, lions, rhinos, and even a foot tall lion man. Another incredible find from 36,000 yrs ago, is the Sistine Chapel of our Ancient Ancestors, the magnificent Cave of Chauvet in France. Ancient artists first took ochre to cave walls and filled the blank spaces with highly accurate magnificent drawings of hand prints. Furthermore, they created highly sophisticated murals of cave lions, bison, horses, mammoths, and rhinos, silently running, hunting, and being hunted. Artists recreated their lives, their hopes, their intentions with Art.

Most noteworthy, Archaeologists also discovered thousands of Venus figures, dated at 35,000 yrs ago, throughout Europe. Like us, our Ancestors wore these as amulets, talismans, and blessings. In addition, 25,000 BC shows finely made sculptures of human faces and modeled hair.

Therefore, we hold the Magic of Making Art deep within our primitive mind, within our DNA. We must create to touch our true humanity, that which makes us human. As a result, The Magic of Making Art inspires us to see life with Different Eyes. The Doing of Art enables us to tap into the collective unconscious and follow the inner landscape of our intuition. In conclusion, Creativity is our Birthright, as we tap the collective sub-conscious to know ourselves, our truths, and our strengths, truly.

Magic of Making Art mythic horse of Lascaux Cave drawn in ochre from France
Lascaux Cave France, public domain, wikipedia

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