Spirits of Place

Spirits of Place

Spirits of Place
Bossards Antiques and Artifacts

Spirits of Place Hold an Energy, a Power, a Feeling

Spirits of Place, or even of an object, can be felt by our Heart intuition and Gut instinct. Last week, upon entering John Bosshard’s long, narrow building filled with antiques, we felt a calm presence there. Buddhas, sculptures, and architectural items each told a story of times past. We were told it wasn’t like that at first.

First, the Spirits of Place thrived in John’s heartfelt gallery in Santa Fe. We have bought some wonderful imports from Bosshard’s over the years. Carved wooden cart railings and later a Spirit House from his quality collections. Then he relocated to Taos. The gallery there was intimate, the Asian and Native art was beautiful. Next, one final move took him to Abiquiu, NM, where Georgia O’Keefe had her Ghost House. A bit off the beaten track, they wondered if the people would come.

In addition, this building was a past trading post. So, it had a varied history since the 1700’s of many energies flowing through. At first, some art collectors found them, but barely a few bought. It simply wasn’t working. Then a woman came in and said how Sad it felt. All the cast off statues that were once honored, treasured, and loved, now held a deep heavy feeling on this site. They had lost their light.

With permission, she smoked the space, the artifacts, and furnishings with sage and sweetgrass. Simultaneously, she invoked the Spirit of Gaia to fill the room with light, blessings, and love. An immediate shift occurred. People started coming over after seeing Ghost Ranch. Most of all, they were buying the art! The Spirits had returned and the sacred statues were once again loved and honored. Plus each passing year has brought more prosperity and treasured discoveries to everyone.

What do your Spirits of Place feel like? Are they filled with beauty, kindness, and love? Sage and sweetgrass can clear a room of old patterns of energy that no longer serve you. Then it’s time to refresh the space and ignite your passion. Join us at Dragonfly Art Club to pour your energy into personal art. Play, create, and share with an artistic community. Remember when Art was your favorite subject?

Spirits of Place
Spirit House, Bosshards in Abiquiu
Spirits of Place
Our Happy Buddha is coming home.

4 Responses to Spirits of Place

  1. What a beautiful story!
    Thank you for sharing.
    I am glad the place had changed and alive and filled with love.
    And of course, the beautiful Buddha will bring even more tranquility and love into your home.
    I am wishing you many beautiful moments making art in a Dragonfly Art club!

    • Thanks, Sharon. Facing Spirit, like all my women, have an aspect of me. Plus she’s surrounded by all my power animals, ravens, rabbits, horses, birds, and symbols that I love. She’s between two worlds. Here’s more about her on my Etsy site….Etsy site.

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