The Great Thaw!

The Great Thaw!

Mists Rising in the Woods
Mists Rising in the Woods

Breathe Deeply!

It finally feels like Spring is on its way! Temps reaching into the 40’s, loud piles of snow falling off the roof, the Sun is shining, the mists are rising, and a breath of fresh air tantalizes the body. We’ve lived in Ct for 14 yrs, and for 12 of those winters, I’ve been able to say, “At least we’re not at brutal as Chicago!”. But not anymore.

We’ve never experienced as many single digit days in a row as we have this Jan & Feb. Combine that with the rugged wind, not as many Sunny days as ‘usual’, and you’re close to a Chicago Winter. I have memories of inching through traffic on thick ice, trying to get to my teaching classroom before the kids, and really trying to stay on the road! Brutal. You don’t want a semi thundering past, going way too fast on his cross country route, sending a force of wind your way, along with sheets of snow falling off his roof, and slush thrown up from the tires! We use to say that Crayola should create a new color, Chicago grey. A dome of grey covers the city for months at a time. Snow is crazy there, too. I remember people saying if it’s ‘Lake Effect Snow’, is it really snow? Yes, I’m afraid it is!

Sun makes all the difference. It lifts your spirit, encourages deep breathing, and enables you to go out to the birdfeeder without dressing like an Eskimo. New Englanders, a hearty bunch, usually ran around in shorts all winter long. Not for the last 2 yrs. Everything is changing. The new normal is abnormal, rougher, and harsh. Colder winters, hotter summers, with spring lasting a week! Far too many cars/trucks have gotten stuck on our driveway.

But it feels like we’re out of the frozen tundra. A friend up north in Maine has 5′ long icicles barring the windows. Keeping all the horses/cows/llamas warm, fed, and healthy has been a trick, too. This is quite a winter wonderland, absolutely gorgeous, and a great experience as long as the wood is stocked, fire is blazing, Sun peeks out every so often, you don’t have to drive the roads.

First Light
First Light


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