The Secret Hidden Place

The Secret Hidden Place

the secret hidden place

The Secret Hidden Place is our refuge and protection when challenges confront us. Fox knows her place very well. She ran past our window, and up over a hill, to get to her hidden rain pipe in the woods.

There, I imagine her looking out upon her world view. With her much wider field of vision than ours, she can see 260 degrees around her. Her inborn target system helps her evaluate her world before she acts in conscious awareness.

Quantum Physics tells us that the world we see is just the tip of the mountain, with a vast Field of Consciousness lying beneath it all. This is the energy Source, the smallest, fast, ever-moving molecular level of all life, where shifts happen that impact the world above. We are disturbances on the Field, with our thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Can fox see the field? Fox scans the land patiently, evaluating all she sees. Research also shows that foxes, like birds and bees, use the Earth’s magnetic field to guide her decisions. Plus, this becomes her trusted inner compass. Besides seeing well in twilight and distance, her hearing is fine tuned to hear the slightest rustling or squeak, super low frequency sounds, from 100 ft. away.

The Secret Hidden Place keeps her invisible until she’s ready to react.

I go to my secret hidden place to find myself, often. This Sacred Sanctuary is my protection and refuge until I consciously know what to do next. For me, it’s my inner landscape, a journey to the heart. I get quiet, find my Beauty Way inside and out, and listen. Then comes the creating in word and image.

Like Fox, I tune into my world, away from the social media, noise, news, all the ‘out there’ distractions. I ask questions about what to do next, for myself, personally. Here is where my power lies. As I create my better world, so does the ‘out there’ benefit from my best self.

Being invisible to the world, creates a great space ‘in between’ the cause out there and effect of my actions, for any life decision. Let me choose my actions for the higher good of all I see, instead of reacting with emotion to the chaos.

Imagine the Field of Consciousness. It’s a malleable world. What if we let our conscious actions be led by what feels good inside. Choices can be made for the good of all. In Harmony with the Field, our ripples become beautiful pieces of the ever changing Eternal Universe. We are the Artist, the Art we create, and the tools we use, when we consciously become the Creator of our Life. Life becomes good for us, as well as the world.

Some Final thoughts are always do what’s best for you. Live life patiently, like Fox, and don’t rush through life, art, exercise, and healing. Embrace the sun and breathe, while enjoying the day. Honor the ‘space in between’, the quiet time, where the Creator Self can dream, make, and discover itself. Dig deeply into the senses of every event. Live in a Timeless world, turning everything into play. Laugh often, love deeply. Make time for Beauty every day. Give complete, undivided attention to each connection. Value everything you do, since it’s how you Shape your Presence in this world. It’s what you are Becoming, and who you are Being at this moment in Life.

Live in the Magic and Wonder of all the Unknown, as each experience becomes the Story of your Life. Life is but a Lucid Dream.

This is what I capture in my metaphysical art. Art is a Visual Meditation. Please Check out my updated website at Art of the Dreamtime. Let me know what you think!

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