Thrilling the Soul

Thrilling the Soul

EmbracingAllLifeTEXTMtns2014MayKeep the Soul excited with fascinating, sensual things, but don’t kill yourself.

There’s a reason some activities, some ‘sports’, are called ‘Extreme’. The body is not made to continually push itself to the extreme without giving away in some way, shape, or form. I keep thinking of Dean Potter, who leaped off a peak in Yosemite, as he has many times, only this time his ‘wingsuit’ didn’t catch the wind as it had in the past. He didn’t sail off, thousands of feet in the air, and over 4 miles as he has miraculously accomplished over the years. When he did the impossible, it was literally breathtaking, heart in your mouth amazement, even just watching it in a video. It was man doing the dream: flying, free form, by just his wits in the moment.

I keep thinking Dean’s soul kept seeking the thrill to know it was alive. He used his body to its utmost endurance and cleverness, in a ‘man with nature’ way. But on this day, there was no wind to carry him. He had a parachute, but this kind of activity demands complete right choices in a split second of decision-making. No wrong moves will be tolerated. No hesitation allowed. This day, ultimately, his body couldn’t pull through the miracle as it has in the past. This day I can only imagine, his soul absolutely took flight without the cumbersome limits of the body to hold it back. He sailed free.

The soul loves being creative, being challenged, learning new things, being outlandish every so often, but we have to keep the body functioning, healthy, and strong to do that. It’s an interesting marriage of Life, the Dance of Body and Soul. They completely need each other to open the doors to new potentials.

The key for each of us is to keep our Soul excited, activated, experiencing new, immersive, wonderful things, and using all the senses. Let our Souls know they are truly alive, growing, and expanding in all the riches the earth has to offer, without losing our body along the way. It’s like the IMAX concept, BE IN THE MOVIE! Feel the vibrations, the sounds, the energy, the excitement that Being Alive has to offer. To the brain, experiencing a movie like that, is remembered just as though you had done it yourself. Your memory of the complete, total body feeling is as strong as though you were an extra in the movie….or the star! So be the Super Hero of your movie. Be in the moment in everything you do. Feel it, hear it, touch it, taste it all, as life was meant to be experienced. Your Soul will love you for it.



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