We Are the Dance of Life

We Are the Dance of Life

Image of colliding particles.

Macroscopically, all Matter constantly Moves in Rhythmic Patterns.

We are waves, we are particles. Restless, flowing, unceasing movement vibrates continually within every stone, piece of metal, leafy growth, and body. Waves are everywhere to be seen. Ever see the video of the flocks of starlings over Rome as they whirl, stream, in ebb and flow waves across the sky? It’s called mumerations when whole groups of like creatures move together as one as though guided by some inner telepathy. Schools of fish do it. Physicists see this in the dance of atoms. Weathermen see this in polar ice waves and tropical heat waves. Ants, bees, and wasps follow some agreed upon wave of movement for the good of the whole hive.

We seasonally see waves and trends in music, fashion, food fads, diets, and baby names. I see it in the wild turkeys in our yard when some unseen trigger sends them all walking to the woods, flying out to roost, or running for cover. They move as one, following the leader wherever she may go. It’s thought some subtle signal from a few is picked up by the many and travels wavelike across the group.

Like ripples of a stone tossed into the lake, our lives ebb and flow. Our energy, strength, and  thoughts get caught in some earth dance flowing across the country, building speed and momentum until it crashes. Then we pick up out pieces and paddle out to the next wave. Take a moment to see the waves of your life. Who’s your leader? Who do you catch subtle signals from? Choose your ‘gang’ wisely and put your energy where you are filled. I feel the wave personally as winter holds its grip on a wave of winter, and I head for the comfort food, the glass of red wine, the bit of chocolate, the warmth of a cozy comforter, the slowing down pace of life. But I know the next wave is coming. So get ready because the sun, the revitalized energy, the deep breath of spring is so close, I can almost touch it, breathe it, taste it. The cleaning out of the old and refreshing start of the new is almost here. So honor your waves and relish every moment. Each has its place, and all is well with the world.


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