Sea of Memories

Sea of Memories

Sea Of Memories, Seek 5 star experiences alsways

Sea of Memories is full of finding and remembering the best parts of yourself. Full of flow, relaxing times, vacations, and excursions with the family, pause away from the usual day, and enter the Ocean of Discovery. Feel the power, beauty, and magic of the water as it works its mystery on your deepest thoughts and dreams.

I remember simpler times. First, I was so little, squinting at the sun, digging in the sand, and creating a viaduct from the water to my castle. Michigan and Chicago beaches edged the cities, like garlands of Nature’s beauty and force. Grandparents, aunts and uncles sat around and just watched the waves rhythmically bringing in beautiful shells, shifting tides reminding us to pay attention, and cleansing the beach with fresh sand and stories of others before us.

Later, I walked the beaches of Mexico. Shards of abalone became colors and shapes of birds, creatures, and landscapes. Another world of vast white sand that seemed to go on forever, the Sea offered treasures if you were lucky. I thought often of this paradise as I became landlocked, and had to drive hours to reach the sand dunes of the Great Lakes.

The Great Sea holds secrets of life and creation as it is always moving, shifting, and creating new beaches where there were none before. Also, as whole cities are reclaimed and taken back by the force of wind and water, we must learn to respect its power and natural movement. Like the sea, we each seek our flow, letting go of what was, and creating new lands, experiences, and movement in life.

Sea of Memories is our Origin Story.

We all have our own personal stories of the Sea. Where does it take you? New times create new stories. Immerse yourself in the flow of life and see where it takes you.

For me, it’s just relaxing into the Unknown. I let go of expectations, and I’m never disappointed. Life is always new, fresh, and allowing all to flow naturally. It’s expectations that bring me down, whether about people or places. Instead of holding onto to what I want it to be, I just accept what is. Without being specific, I tell my mind we are headed for a 5 Star experience. And then it’s always more than I could have ever imagined. Not held back by reports of others, or news of the day, I expect and accept all that comes my way.

Be the explorer of life. Take each day as something new and fresh, and let it works its magic. Play again. You’ll never be disappointed. Create a new Sea of Memories for a life of beauty and flow.

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