Category Archives: intention

Moonlight At The Oasis

Moonlight At The Oasis

Moonlight at the Oasis is touching the sweet stillness of night. The images are a bit fuzzy, the scent a bit heavy, the colors more muted. This is a transition time for body, mind, and soul. Let’s enter this magic moment with awareness, intention, and purpose. First of all, make this time as relaxed and…Continue Reading

Full Moon Possibilities

Full Moon Possibilities

Full Moon Possibilities reminds us that we can change our view of life at anytime. Our thinking creates our reality. Finding the Magic definitely takes a mindfull shift in perception. First of all, you have to suspend your old belief system. Easier said than done when you reallize these beliefs that have ruled your life…Continue Reading

Winter Solstice Light

Winter Solstice Light

Winter Solstice Light ushers in the quiet, contemplative, feast of Light celebration. Specifically, it’s the return of the Sun back to the North, from it’s farthest journey South. Here we enter the mysterious Dreamtime, the darkest, longest night of the year, to plant new seeds of ideas and dreams for our future Selves. As we…Continue Reading

Luna Bear

Luna Bear

Luna Bear teaches us how to navigate Moon cycles, tides of change, and the mysterious unknown. Her instincts are true. Plus, she senses shifts in the air, and lives by her feelings. In the Fall, she journeys high over the mountains, leaves the world behind, and enters her sanctuary, the magical cave of The Dreaming.…Continue Reading

Other Realities Owl

Other Realities Owl

Other Realities Owl is the messenger between the worlds since ancient times. She holds the ancient wisdom of the ages. Athena called on her, as well as her Roman counterpart, Minerva. Plus, carrying the owl amulet promised inner knowing, seeing through the darkest times, and prophecy. The Ancients believed owl carry insights and inspiration through…Continue Reading

Ancient Memory

Ancient Memory

Ancient Memory reminded me of 3 Basic Truths. Everything we do comes from what we believe, where we place our attention, and ultimately, what we do. First of all, it’s an intuitive painting. No sketch, not working from an image, and using two brushes simultaneously, one in each hand, I just painted. Doing without thinking…Continue Reading

Endless Summer

Endless Summer

Endless Summer is a way to live. It’s very much a frame of mind that you can carry with you all through the year. First of all, you must love summer, or whatever time of year you do truly love. Some love the shift into Autumn, with it mystery and magic. Others seem to love…Continue Reading

Art and Soul Connections

Art and Soul Connections

Art and Soul Connections come from the deepest dreams. When I create art that speaks to me, I find it also speaks to others. In an Art Fair some years ago, a young woman came in to get a closer look at one of my shadowbox pieces. A piece of driftwood had been transformed into…Continue Reading

The Dreaming Way

The Dreaming Way

The Dreaming Way is a Journey Painting. It’s born from intuition, whispers from the Soul, and trusting the inner journey. I always start with what I Know. The 2 wrens and the baby rabbit kept appearing in my life. The wrens are diligent, brave, and each have their own nest on our deck. They live…Continue Reading

Moonlight At The Oasis
Full Moon Possibilities
Winter Solstice Light
Luna Bear
Other Realities Owl
Ancient Memory
Endless Summer
Art and Soul Connections
The Dreaming Way
Sacred Stone Circle