Category Archives: Self Love

Three Moons of Light

Three Moons of Light

Three Moons of Light give direction, insights, and a path to follow. One reminds us that the body is our Partner in our evolution. The second says to Listen to the intuitive voice of Soul, that gives wisdom every day. And the third says to Follow your Desires, your feelings, since those are the offerings…Continue Reading

Midsummer Magic

Midsummer Magic

Midsummer Magic is all about the Infinity of Life and Art. Both are continually evolving, growing, shifting, and changing. Our Today is made up of beautiful memories, places, and experiences, combined with the life all around us Now. This painting shows the lush forest and large blue heron of the Old Graue Mill. A magical…Continue Reading

Secret Garden II

Secret Garden II

Secret Garden II is that quiet sanctuary within each of us where we can escape, do anything, and create a life for ourselves. This safe haven is our own personal space to dream, evolve, and find meaning. My Secret Garden came about with a Celestial Event happening. The crescent Moon in Earthshine, aligned with super…Continue Reading

Sanctuary By The Sea

Sanctuary By The Sea

Sanctuary by the Sea has 3 major parts for art and life. First, it starts with the Dream for inspiration. Second, comes the Past, memories that immerse all our senses in the body. Third, we touch the Present, that grounds us in our reality today. Consciously combining these parts of yourself in all your choices,…Continue Reading

Spring Reflections

Spring Reflections

Spring Reflections, my new painting, is an image taken from the speeding auto-train taking us from Florida to Virginia. The best things about this trip were that we didn’t have to drive for three days, and the images I captured from the train. Trains go through some wild territory. For example, the land is swampy,…Continue Reading

Full Moon Possibilities

Full Moon Possibilities

Full Moon Possibilities reminds us that we can change our view of life at anytime. Our thinking creates our reality. Finding the Magic definitely takes a mindfull shift in perception. First of all, you have to suspend your old belief system. Easier said than done when you reallize these beliefs that have ruled your life…Continue Reading

Living In The Light

Living In The Light

Living in the Light is a change of attitude. Here’s where we do things differently, think differently, and create a new life for ourselves and the world. First of all, Be Organic. From food you eat to clothes you wear, and choices along the way, there are so many alternatives today. For me, it’s really…Continue Reading

Winter Solstice Light

Winter Solstice Light

Winter Solstice Light ushers in the quiet, contemplative, feast of Light celebration. Specifically, it’s the return of the Sun back to the North, from it’s farthest journey South. Here we enter the mysterious Dreamtime, the darkest, longest night of the year, to plant new seeds of ideas and dreams for our future Selves. As we…Continue Reading

Opening Heart
Three Moons of Light
Midsummer Magic
Three Spirits Love Respect Remember
Secret Garden II
Sanctuary By The Sea
Spring Reflections
Full Moon Possibilities
Living In The Light
Winter Solstice Light