Winds of Spirit

Winds of Spirit

Winds Of Spirit, our wind sculptures, Coming into balance, alignment, awareness with the Power of Wind

Winds of Spirit can bring us into the Present with awareness and balance. The Winds don’t always have to be fierce for us to observe and learn from them. They are the soft breezes on a beach, the power to move windmills, as well as the most important breath of life coursing through us all. In addition, Wind dances over the sands, cools down bodies in the sun, and creates shifts in the weather. Nothing lasts for long in the power of the wind. It even shapes mountains.

I had to make friends with the Wind. As a kid in a 3rd floor apt in Chicago, the winds came through like a dragon. I’d sit under my mom’s sewing machine, hiding from blustery winds and snow/rain/hail/tornado storms blowing through the city. Plus, it felt like the windows would implode sometimes.

But in reality, the Wind is as much a part of Nature as the Earth. I learned to ground my roots into the land, ignite my dreams in the fires of transformation, and swim with the flow of the sea of consciousness. Now it was time to navigate the Winds of change.

First, bring yourself into the Now of this moment by just breathing gently, and exhaling slowly, at least three times. This tells your body that it’s safe to relax. Fast, short breaths come in times of stress, so slow breathing pauses everything. Touching your heart as you breath connects the thinking mind with the heart feelings for total body balance and health. The heart rests, the adrenaline pauses, and all systems come into Harmony. It’s like being in your own spa right now.

Secondly, know that your life force mingles with the breaths of all others worldwide. We are all connected to each other, to the respiration of the animals/trees/plants/flowers, as well as the great Breath of Mother Earth that flows through caves, over seas, and in tornadoes.

Made of the same stuff as the stars, our body is powered from our first breath of life, to every breath during the day. Be aware and consciously deep Breathe in the Life Force to honor it, thank it, and respect it for all that you are.

Winds of Spirit spread life across the Earth.

Thirdly, remember that the Wind is the Air that transports us, flies kites, and through which birds soar. Plus, riding the wind, we become aware that our thoughts, ideas, inspirations, and insights all come from the invisible source. It’s up to us to make the invisible visible with our creations. This is our gift to life. Winds carry the seeds, pollen, and communication everywhere to birth the new.

Let’s allow Wind to be our Teacher. Therefore, like smoke signals or wind sculptures catching the breeze, open to Navigating life with the cycles of the wind. Blow away all debris that distracts you from what you love.

Imagine, Be like a feather and lightly go with the flow, regardless of all the undercurrents tossing below. Sail your boat gently down the stream since life is but a dream, as we all know.

Remember to breath throughout the day, and especially before speaking. Also, Breathe in the air of mercy and compassion of the Goddess Kwan Yin, in all you do. Honor your dragon self, but consciously choose who you are becoming with each breath of life, and each spoken word.

Like the invisible wind dancing through the forest, be a creative spirit knowing and finding yourself on the winds of change. Take the invisible dream and make it visible. Be the captain of your winds of change and navigate the life of your dreams.

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