Your Reality is In Front of You

Your Reality is In Front of You

The Allies
The Allies

Reality is not what you read, or someone else’s Fairy Tale filled with fear, it’s what you see, hear, touch, and feel, right before your very eyes!

In this moment, you are making a choice where to put your emotions, your beliefs, your attention, and that creates your personal healing, depression, love or fear. We are bombarded daily by such nonsense that has nothing to do with the life right within our personal day to day reality. Step away from the sensationalism of the news, the politics of absurd people wanting attention at any cost, and the fearful imaginings of those swallowed up by the dark side. Every day you are imagining your reality, creating your world, and all you choose to put in it.

My newest Series, theme, is going to be the Dream Season. This is the time of Winter Solstice, when the Light returns to us, when the Sun makes its appearance for longer days, when life returns eventually to full bloom. I always was amazed as a child with the buds on trees & bushes. Each pod, bud, seed, cocoon, holds new life, new hope, and a new world, that constantly shifts with the seasons. Fill yourself with music, candles, wonderful scents, and beautiful colors, wish someone good fortune & blessings each day, and sail on the wings of life. It’s always your choice.

Full Moon
Full Moon


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