Reflections on the Inner Journey

Reflections on the Inner Journey


Full Moon of the Long Nights, December Moon, Orion, Ravens, Solstice, Video           Digital Download print at 

December’s Full Cold Moon of the Long Nights, a Supermoon

December has always been the dark mysterious month full of magic, celebrations, and power. The Moon is so bright in the darkest of skies, followed by the huge warrior Orion, moving through the star studded night sky. Magic was everywhere. Parties to plan, presents to wrap, Advent candles to light and chocolate calendars to open, heightened the anticipation of great things to come. Winter Solstice held the Magic. The Pause in the Earth is felt as we all regroup ourselves for the winter hibernation leading to a New Life, a New Year.

The Inner Journey helps bring balance away from all the activity. I seek a reflective time to walk in the woods, find my voice in writing, and create paintings of my feelings. I evaluate where I’m going, and what I’m doing. As thoughts flow through my mind, I reflect on them instead of just acting on them. Is this something I can Use, or is it just yet another busyness distraction? Will this improve my life, my health, my well-being, my body, or enrich me an any way? Does it motivate me to be a better person, or trigger my inspiration, and creativity? If not, I step back. I become like an actor watching myself in a play. It distances me and allows me to see a bigger picture of what’s happening. If something doesn’t serve me, I see it in a cloud, dissipating in a blue sky. Getting a different perspective on anything helps to let it go, and move on. Knowing the thought isn’t me, it’s just a thought floating through, helps me a lot. Then the pieces can come together in an entirely new way. This is a time to explore the New. Whatever doesn’t work has no place in my life. This can be brutal, but true. A New Beginning can be risky, but often opens doors to new possibilities, exciting unknowns, and shifts the energy.

So this Winter Solstice try a deep dive into the cave of the Unknown. See what you find there when you ask the hard question, ‘Will this improve my Life?’. Instead of Doing, try Listening to what your body/feelings/senses are telling you all the time. And hear this, there are entire cultures that don’t have a word for Anger….or Sadness…but do have concepts & words for ‘the urge to hug’, or being ‘grateful when someone does you a favor’. Then there are New Ways to Understand Emotions. Open yourself up to view this sacred holiday time with anticipation, like a butterfly coming out of the cocoon.

2 Ravens
Our new Horse Beauty, & our wintry deck


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